Maine County Commissioners Association
About Maine CountiesCounty government is Maine's oldest form of government, predating statehood and even the writing of the Declaration of Independence. County Government is the only form of regional government whose officials are directly elected by the voters. Click here to read more about County Government and its many important functions. Click here to check out the Directory of Maine Counties, listing officials and contact information for each county. Some very useful links are available here for more information about individual counties, some related national organizations, and the Maine state government. Click here to see the Board of Directors and Officers for this year.
The Next MCCA
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Public Surplus Program
Please CLICK HERE for information and the sign up link for the Public Surplus Program.
Click here to find Legislative information about bills which may impact counties.
Scroll down that page for a calendar of events and conference call credentials.
Scroll down that page for a calendar of events and conference call credentials.
The purpose of the Counties Connect
America campaign is for presidential candidates to have counties on their radar, and for county officials and state associations to have tools to interact with the candidates. Please click here to view print or save the brochure. Do you know?
There Are 10 Times More Mentally Ill People behind bars than there are in State Hospitals. Click below if you'd like to read more of this article from Mother Jones. |
Studies with concentrations in Maine Studies and Peace and Reconciliation Studies as well as certificates and minors in Labor Studies, Maine Studies, and Peace and Reconciliation Studies. Many of these courses can be taken entirely on-line or with a limited number of meetings on campus. Click below for more info.
Academic Programs of Interest to
County and Municipal Employees The Division of Lifelong Learning at the University of Maine offers a wide range of degree programs, certificates, and courses for working people including the bachelor’s degree in University Studies, an adult degree completion program, and the master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Doctor and author Steven Kassels has been a guest speaker at one of the MCCA Board of Directors' meetings. Reading excerpts from his book, "Addiction on Trial", and explaining statistics, societal discrimination and biases toward drug addicts, Dr. Kassels shed light about this chronic illness that crosses age, gender, socio-economic, racial and religious boundaries. This book is a must read, written as a spellbinding story to educate readers about the downward path of destruction caused by the disease using characters we can all understand, relate to, and sympathize with.
Opioid Addiction Education
is the First Step in Stopping the Epidemic. HELP? If you, or someone you know is looking for help with an addiction, please click here to get information on treatment programs and facilities in Maine.

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension has a presence in all Maine counties Each office receives county government funds for their educational programs and operations. Please click here for more information about services available in your county.